RTCM 12110.0 has been published and is now available for purchase - Standard for AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (AIS) MOBILE AIDS TO NAVIGATION (MATON) STATIONS (AIS MATON), November 30, 2024

This standard specifies the operational and performance requirements, methods of testing MAtoN stations broadcasting in the VHF maritime band. This device is intended to be used as an AtoN[1] for the following mobile applications, but are not limited to these applications: Ocean Data Acquisition System (ODAS) (e.g. to gather data on currents and weather) Wreckage (e.g., containers, debris) Water quality and pollution monitoring equipment Dynamic guard zones and convoys Underwater operations Enhancing navigational safety during military operations (e.g. no-sail zones during minesweeping, target exercises areas) Towed and deployed applications (e.g. cable laying) Search & Rescue applications Special events (e.g. swimming...
RTCM 13500.1 has been published and is now available for purchase - Standard for Radio Layer for Real-Time DGNSS Applications, September 6, 2023

RTCM Standard 13500.1 specifies the minimum performance requirements and test criteria for UHF radios used in Real-Time DGNSS applications. This first edition standard is limited to UHF radios in the 400 – 475 MHz range and commonly referred to as narrow band radios of 6.25 kHz and channel bandwidths of 12.5 kHz and 25.0 kHz. It is well known in the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) industry that there exists no standard radio layer definition. Instead, vendor-specific proprietary radio layers are employed. This impedes interoperation between disparate vendor equipment, even when such equipment is fundamentally communicating real-time Differential GNSS (DGNSS)...
RTCM 11010.4 has been published and is now available for purchase - Standard for 406 MHz Satellite Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs), March 17, 2023 (NEWEST version) with Amendment 1

Amendment 1 made the following necessary updates: - added test procedures for 406 MHz PLBs with multi-constellation GNSS receiver modules, and - aligned the AIS identifier, where relevant, to reflect that PLBs are types of EPIRB in accordance with ITU-R M.633, and - align AIS transmitted text, if fitted, to reflect that PLBs are types of EPIRB in accordance with ITU-R M.633, and - some minor editorial corrections. Click on link to access in RTCM store: RTCM 11010.4 Standard for 406 MHz Satellite Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs), March 17, 2023 (NEWEST version) with Amendment 1
RINEX: Version 4.01 replaces v4.0 - 10 July 2023
RINEX: The Receiver Independent Exchange Format Version RINEX 4.01, 10 July 2023 - Updates to Version 4.0: The main changes are the addition of New GPS L1 & L2 Observation Code for RMP antenna (code names are now reserved) and the new NavIC L1 Observation Code.
RTCM Paper 2023-SC104-1344, NTRIP Client Devices / Best Practices is now available
RTCM Paper 2023-SC104-1344, NTRIP Client Devices / Best Practices is now available to download for free; $75.00 for print version.